About Us
As Hackathons were growing in popularity, there was no comparable competition focusing on 3D modelling and design to solve similar real-world challenges. After gauging interest, a group of mechanical engineers came together to form McMaster Design League. Our goal was to create a design competition called the Designathon, similar to a Hackathon, but focusing on “CADing” instead of coding. We have since expanded to host the UI/UX Designathon and workshops to further promote engineering design in our community.
The McMaster Design League’s primary goal is to generate interest towards the design aspect of engineering through challenges, competitions and workshops. The club runs CAD and UI/UX workshops throughout the year as an introduction for students, building up to our UI/UX and CAD Designathon competitions. Overall, these events provide students with the opportunity to take classroom learning and apply it to real world problems, all the while providing them with experience in creating user flows and 3D modelling.
What we do
UI/UX Designathon
CAD Designathon
Sponsor Us!
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